Sign up to our newsletter for access to latest sleep health events, information and research.
SHF is currently seeking additional members from the community to join and contribute to the Lived Experience Advisory Partners.
The Sleep Health Foundation is proud to announce a significant enhancement to our online presence, aimed at creating a more inclusive digital environment for all our visitors.
Dr Moira Junge, our CEO, shares her vision for the Sleep Health Foundation in 2025.
The convenience of access to social media has contributed to 93% of Gen Z admitting to staying up past their bedtime.
Despite the high preference for co-sleeping with animals in the population, there remains the question as to whether or not this is a good thing.
The Sleep Health Foundation is thrilled to announce that Jennifer Low has been appointed as the new Chair of the Board of the Sleep Health Foundation.
Prof Shantha Rajaratnam provides words of thanks and support as his term as the Sleep Health Foundation Chair of the Board comes to a close.
Be part of an exciting new research study at the Woolcock! Researchers are looking for volunteers to help them understand if brain stimulation can improve sleep brain waves in people with sleep apnoea.
The Sleep Health Foundation's Annual General Meeting will be taking place virtually at 5pm AEDT on Thursday 7 November 2024 via Zoom.
Let’s Yarn About Sleep (LYAS) is Australia’s first sleep health equity program that aims to deliver culturally responsive programs and services to improve the sleep of First Nations peoples.
Are restless nights leading to unsteady days? Join Flinders University's study
Talk to us about connecting you with the right industry partner and other support we can offer.
Dr Moira Junge contributed to articles on the NMHPA website to provide nurses and midwives insight into the importance of sleep and ways to improve it.
SHF appeared in the Australian Health & Aged Care Resource Guide for May 2024 to discuss the importance of sleep for brain health and ageing.
What do adults experiencing sleep difficulties think about getting support to eat well and be active to improve sleep?
You're invited to participate in a survey seeking your opinion on examples of recommendations and messaging used in 24-Hour Movement Guidelines.
Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health are currently recruiting participants for a clinical trial.
Last week the Mitchell Institute launched an Australia-first policy evidence brief on the importance of sleep.
On Saturday 11 November, our Innovation and Sleep Science Communication Award finalists presented their research live at Sleep DownUnder, and our winner and runner ups were announced.
For many individuals, improving sleep can enhance their wellbeing. Monash University is conducting research to better understand the reasons for this.
Personalised digital interventions for shift work
Can support with lifestyle behaviours, such as diet and exercise, improve treatments for insomnia?
Have you been experiencing prolonged poor sleep or excessive daytime sleepiness? Are you concerned that you might have a sleep disorder? You may have been thinking about or have booked a sleep study
A quarter of working Australians may have one sick day a month as a consequence of poor sleep, a new survey reveals.
Sleep is a complex and unique experience, so how do you know when to seek medical advice? Here are a few simple questions you can ask yourself and practices you can adopt to determine if you’re able to improve your sleep with some tips, or if you might be suffering from a sleep disorder and need to seek professional help now.
Dr Moira Junge joins Denise Scott on her podcast for Jean Hailes to answer awkward questions about sleep.
Dr Moira Junge joins the Jean Hailes podcast to provide some relief and relaxation.
Dr Moira Junge joins the Jean Hailes podcast to help you relax and unwind before bed.
The Sleep Health Foundation is seeking participants to take a short survey asking their opinion on Daylight Saving Time in Australia.
Talking sleep health, sleep disorders, and sleep myths.
Are women more likely to have poor sleep? Channel 9 Today Extra with Dr Moira Junge
Dr Moira Junge spoke with Today Extra about the benefits and advancements of CPAP.
Hear Moira's vision in this exciting new role!
In 2021, the Sleep Health Foundation celebrated it's 10th anniversary.
Seeking individuals to participate in a new treatment study testing a consumer device and online program for insomnia
Have you experienced a natural disaster, such as a flood, fire, cyclone or earthquake?
A six week program targeting sleep and mood in people living with dementia and primary care partners
Are you interested in accessing a free online insomnia treatment program?
Receive personalised recommendations tailored to your body clock!
Insomnia and sleep apnoea study, with FREE gold-standard treatment
Insomnia study with seven weeks FREE gold-standard treatment
A Mindful Way to Healthy Sleep is a self-paced online program which helps people to learn proven skills and strategies to sleep well.
The Sleep Health Foundation’s Dr Moira Junge was a special guest for Vigour.Media's interviews on the topic of sleep.
In this podcast Professor Dorothy Bruck considers how sleep and sleep/wake behaviours change across different cultures and different ethnic groups.
Hailey provides educational presentations and media insights on behalf of the Sleep Health Foundation. She shares her experience.
Dr Jasneek Chawla became a speaker for the Sleep Health Foundation in 2015. She shares her experience providing educational presentations.
An observational study of 20 chronic snorers found that snoring duration (measured from 1 hour tape recordings over 7 nights) was reduced in snorers who completed singing exercises for 20 minutes a day for 3 months.
A recent study by scientists at the Griffith Lab has shown that the mechanism that promotes sleep also consolidates memory.
Sleep your way to health.
The Sleep Health Foundation is seeking a high-profile person with sleep health interest to be our "Sleep Champion."
Sleep Health Foundation says that the assumptions that the Sleep Calculator makes, and the advice it gives, are not based on scientific evidence.
Healthy sleep is important for our well-being and quality of life.
Chill out: Disturbed sleep plays havoc with your mood and mind
Now is the time to start getting your children back into the school time sleep routine.
Although the relationship between sleep and mental health is not clearly understood, we believe that a good night's sleep helps foster both mental and emotional resilience.