The Sleep Health Foundation's Annual General Meeting will be taking place at 4.45pm-5.30pm ACDT on Friday November 10 at the Sleep DownUnder conference at the Adelaide Convention & Exhibition Centre.
Board Members & Elections
The Chair of the Board, Professor Shantha Rajaratnam, will remain as Chair.
Dr Gemma Paech will be finishing up after two terms on the board. This will leave a vacancy for a member-elected board member. We are calling for a nomination of a member-elected board member from the membership. We are seeking diversity in our board members and a skills matrix has guided us to seek someone with financial management skills, marketing skills and/or management of lived-experience groups.
All enquiries about potentially applying to join the board of the Sleep Health Foundation should be directed to our CEO, Dr Moira Junge, by Wednesday October 18th 2023.
Documents to prepare for the AGM
Annual General Meeting 2023 Agenda
Annual General Meeting 2022 Minutes
Annual Report 2023
Proxy Form