Participate in sleep apnoea research

Be part of an exciting new research study at the Woolcock! Researchers are looking for volunteers to help them understand if brain stimulation can improve sleep brain waves in people with sleep apnoea.

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November 8, 2024
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Be part of an exciting new research study at the Woolcock! Researchers are looking for volunteers to help them understand if brain stimulation can improve sleep brain waves in people with sleep apnoea.

People with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) show impairments in memory and attention and are at risk for developing dementia. Slow wave brain waves, occurring during “deep sleep”, have been associated with memory and attention and are less prominent in people with sleep apnoea. This research study aims to understand whether low current brain stimulation applied on different areas can boost slow brain waves during sleep in people with obstructive sleep apnoea.

Find out more about what's involved here.