What are the purposes of the study?
Insomnia is one of the most prevalent sleep disorders, and 30% of people in the community experience some symptoms of insomnia at any given time. The symptoms include difficulties getting to sleep, difficulties staying asleep, or early-morning awakenings with an inability to return to sleep. Insomnia may also be associated with problems with memory and attention, and increased feelings of depression, anxiety and stress. Whilst insomnia can be treated effectively with medication and behavioural therapy, it is important to identify and evaluate alternative insomnia interventions, such as supplements, for people with insomnia.
This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of an herbal supplement for improving sleep measures and reducing insomnia symptoms in people with difficulties getting to sleep or difficulties staying asleep, compared to a placebo. The study is funded by a grant from the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, with Melrose Health.
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Chief Investigators: Dr Melinda Jackson
School of Psychological Sciences
Phone: 99050206
Email: melinda.jackson@monash.edu
Research Assistant: Ms Flora Le
School of Psychological Sciences
Email: base.mindfulsleep@monash.edu