Monash University is currently seeking volunteers for a study exploring personalised sleep & light intervention to improve shift worker’s sleep and alertness.
We are looking for shift workers who are:
- aged between 18-65 years
- on average, work at least4 night (≥ 6 hours worked between 2200h - 0800h) OR early morning (defined as starting work before 0700) shifts each month
- have a roster pattern incorporating ≥ 2 consecutive night/ early morning shifts
- able to use a light-emitting device while at work
The study involves:
- ~ 6 weeks of daily sleep & light monitoring with daily tasks (5 mins/day)
- Objective body clock assessments (2 times during study)
- Following sleep-wake and light recommendations that are tailored for your body clock (portable devices will be provided).
Participants will be reimbursed ~$375 for study completion. All tasks will occur in the context of participants’ usual lives, meaning individuals do not need to visit a laboratory.
Register your interest via email or use the link below, and a researcher will be in touch with further information: