The Sleep Health Foundation is thrilled to announce that Jennifer Low has been appointed as the new Chair of the Board of the Sleep Health Foundation.
Jennifer has served on the Board since 2018. With an extensive career in policy and health and safety consulting across both government and the private sector, Jennifer brings a wealth of experience in strategic leadership, policy and advocacy.
Jennifer is the Director of Health, Safety, Resilience and Digital Policy at ACCI (a national peak body) and is a member of several State and Federal boards and advisory committees across work health and safety, mental health, health and digital technologies. Her impressive background includes a strong commitment to fostering safe and healthy workplaces, and by extension communities, which aligns with the mission of the Sleep Health Foundation to improve sleep health for all Australians.
In addition to her professional accomplishments, Jennifer brings a personal perspective to her new role. As someone living with narcolepsy, she is passionate about raising awareness of sleep disorders and advocating for better support and education for those affected. Her lived experience adds a unique and valuable insight to her leadership, making her an inspiring and compassionate voice for the sleep health community– which will be powerful in our advocacy efforts.
Please join us in welcoming Jennifer as she takes on this important leadership role. We are excited to work together to continue improving sleep health across the nation under her leadership!
A message from Jen
Over the last decade, the Sleep Health Foundation has gone from strength to strength. We now have a regular media presence, government recognition and a parliamentary inquiry report, several high-quality sleep reports and a new look website with additional resources for the community.
We have achieved a lot which we can be proud of over this time, but there is always more we can do.
I look forward to guiding the SHF in this next chapter as we look to focus on key strategic initiatives, whilst ensuring we maintain our hard fought for brand awareness and advocacy for community sleep health.
I am grateful to have the ongoing support and experience of our CEO, Dr Moira Junge, outgoing Chair, Prof Shantha Rajaratnam, the board and members.

Ms. Jennifer Low
Chair, Sleep Health Foundation