The Better Sleep Program

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September 13, 2023
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Reconnexion is piloting a new stepped-care program developed to address the pervasive issue of problematic sleep. The Better Sleep Program is freely accessible to anyone living in Victoria who identifies as having a sleep problem. Deakin University is collaborating with Reconnexion to evaluate the Better Sleep program, to assess both its efficacy in treating sleep problems but also if Reconnexion can feasibly offer this program on a permanent basis.

The Better Sleep Program involves three steps, where individuals can access up to three interventions in the treatment of their sleep problem.

  1. A 60-minute online information session
  2. A self-guided booklet with up to 3 sessions with a counsellor
  3. An 8-week online CBT-i group

If you are interested in learning more or entering this program evaluation, please follow this link.