Sleeping Better in Your Hotel

This is a fact sheet about Sleeping Better in Your Hotel. It can be a challenge sleeping away from home – check out these top tips to prepare for a good night’s sleep in a hotel.

View of city during sunset. Photo by Yura Forrat
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December 23, 2024
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Things you should know:

  • Get the environment right.
  • Manage your jet lag.
  • Prepare for sleep.
  • Keep to familiar routines in unfamiliar surroundings.

Get the Environment Right

  • Your room should be quiet. Hotel rooms are usually well sound proofed to help you sleep well. Use the “do not disturb sign” to prevent unwanted interruptions and take care with the time you set on your alarm clock for the morning. Ear plugs may help if you have a noisy partner. 
  • Your room must be dark. Close the curtains or shutters before going to bed and turn all the lights off. Some find using an eye mask helpful.
  • The room temperature must be right. Adjust the air conditioner to your liking as soon as you arrive in your room.
  • Your bed must be comfortable. A good mattress, pillow and blankets help you to get a good night’s sleep. 
  • The room should be clean and pleasant. Most hotels take pride in their housekeeping. Let them know if there are any problems. 
  • Non-smoking rooms. Make your preferences known as soon as possible, preferably when you book, so that the hotel can meet your requests. 

Manage your Jet Lag

If you have travelled across time zones, you can help your body clock adapt more quickly to the time at your destination. See our separate “Jet Lag” page.

Prepare for Sleep

  • Exercise: During the day and in the early evening, exercise is part of a good sleep-wake routine. Avoid exercise close to bedtime.
  • Food: Ensure you are neither hungry nor over-full when going to bed. A light evening snack may be helpful.
  • Alcohol: Avoid excessive alcohol intake. While some find that a drink helps them to go off to sleep, it will cause sleep disruption during the night.
  • Caffeine: Do not overuse caffeine (tea, coffee and other caffeinated drinks including the colas) as they will keep you awake.
  • Sleep Strategies: Where possible, stick to a regular sleep routine. There are a number of things that you can do to improve your sleep.

Unfamiliar Surroundings

For some, sleeping in unfamiliar surroundings is difficult, no matter how comfortable it is. Keep to familiar routines. A few personal items from home (e.g., a photograph, a coffee mug, reading material) may help.

Let hotel staff know if there are problems, they may be able to help.

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