
Sleep Seminar Series: The role of pharmacists in sleep health

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June 27, 2023 12:30 PM
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Event Info

In this Sleep Seminar Series webinar brought to you by FESS, Dr Moira Junge was joined by Prof Bandana Saini in a discussion about why and how we sleep, and with this understanding, how sleep complaints can be assisted within the pharmacy setting.

Prof Bandana Saini

Professor Saini trained as a pharmacist at the University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chandigarh, India (1990). She continued on to a path in research, starting with a Masters in the Discipline of Pharmaceutics (1992) at the same institute. Her master's work involved exploring the mutagenicty of halogenated nitrobenzenes. After completing a masters degree in Business Administration (1996, University of Western Sydney), she changed her research direction to exploring pharmacy health services, an area which strategically combines her pharmacy background and an understanding of management principles.

Her PhD project focused on asthma (2004, University of Sydney), and since then Professor Saini has led and collaborated in implementing and evaluating several successful pharmacy-based models that involve screening (sleep disorders and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), patient self-management (allergic rhinitis, sleep disorders, asthma) and clinical audits (sleep medications), as well as pharmacovigilance (sleep medications). Professor Saini is a practicing pharmacist and is passionate about providing pharmacy education.

Watch the recorded webinar