Robert Adams is Professor of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine at Flinders University and Consultant Physician in Respiratory and Sleep Services at Southern Adelaide Local Health Network. He is a specialist respiratory and general physician with extensive experience in public health, clinical epidemiology and health services research. He completed post-doctoral training at the Channing Laboratory, Harvard Medical School and until recently was Professor in the Discipline of Medicine at The University of Adelaide.
Prof Adams has extensive experience with large population based cohort studies, including The North West Adelaide Health Study (NWAHS) and he leads the Sleep Program in the Male Androgen, Inflammation, Lifestyle, Environment and Stress (MAILES) study, one of the largest studies worldwide of sleep health in the community. He is a Chief Investigator of the NHMRC CRE National Institute for Sleep Health Research, which aims to develop the ability of the healthcare system to manage sleep disorders and improve sleep health, with a particular focus on enhancing the capacity of primary care. He was the Inaugural Chair of the South Australian Health Literacy Alliance and is a Council Member of the Australian Patient Safety Foundation.
Prof Adams served on the Sleep Health Foundation Board as a director and then Deputy Chair of the Board between 2018 and 2024. His commitment to amplifying the voices of people with lived experience and the importance of their collaborations in research, academia and advocacy are evident in his professional work and his role as a volunteer in the Lived Experience Advisory Partners.