Carol-Anne Howlett

Lived Experience member

Carol-Anne lives in New South Wales, and has a complex case of Narcolepsy, combined with Restless Legs Syndrome, Insomnia, PTSD, parasomnias, and auto-immune disorders.

Although I have Narcolepsy with Cataplexy (symptoms appearing at 50yrs), I also live with severe restless leg syndrome, insomnia, PTSD and a number of other auto-immune disorders.

I am passionate about advocating on the topic of sleep disorders. When Narcolepsy with Cataplexy came into my life, I gave up the corporate world, and in an attempt to come to terms with my diagnosis, I reached out to various Facebook support groups.  I have learned so much about sleep disorders, yet what stands out for me, is what each individual endures on a daily basis.

As such, I have so many ideas on how we can advocate and educate to make life just that little bit easier for us all, and draw us closer to finding permanent resolutions for our Sleep Disorders.